More Than Enough

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And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. And all ate and were filled. What was left over was gathered up, twelve baskets of broken pieces. Luke 9:16-17

Stewardship is a ministry to which everyone in the St. Paul’s community is called.  It is a ministry that allows one to give back to God in thanksgiving for the many blessings given them. Each person comes to that Ministry with their own unique gifts of time, talent, and treasure.

This year’s Stewardship theme will be “More Than Enough” and it comes from Luke’s version of the feeding of the five thousand. Responding to Jesus’ call, the gathered crowd turns their pockets inside out, shakes out their blankets, rummages through their parcels to find enough to take care of the needs of the community. And what do they realize? That by the miracle of faith and the action of Love, there was more than enough, an abundance of leftovers!

 The Stewardship Committee’s goal is to explain how the pledging process informs the 2024 budget and how that in turn will provide the means to support God’s mission through the things the community holds to be paramount – like a well-supported music program and the outreach and formation activities that are needed for the community’s growth and development as a Church. There will be several opportunities to listen and share with each other what it means to give from a place of knowing God’s abundant generosity. One such opportunity will be small group “House Gatherings” held in October and November in parishioner’s homes, at church and online. use THIS LINK to sign up for the small group meeting that suits you best. 

Feel free to reach out to any of the members of the Committee: Gail Bindley-Taylor, Ginny Balser, Audrey Cozzarin, Joyce Generoso, Maggie Gomez, Bethany Gugliemino, Anthony Howard Crisci, Stephen Kim, Penney Kimbell and Tom Schierloh. Their letter to the community can be read at THIS LINK.

See how your gift makes a difference.

Read Fr. Daniel’s letter to the community HERE and use THIS LINK to read the letter from the St. Paul’s Co-Wardens

What is the difference between ‘Giving” and “Pledging” – and why does it matter?

How can I make a pledge to support St. Paul’s on the Green?

Click HERE for the latest Generosity Report

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