Brigid’s message

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It was a privilege to serve as Usher this past 11:00am Sunday Service. I learned a lot about team work, attention to detail and on relying on each other for assistance. I believe everyone was  being led by God in an effort to bring people together in this sacred space where we worship, love, share and lean on each other. This was an opportunity to worship in a new way, and send out our praise to God and in turn receive God’s love, grace, blessings, healing and comfort.

For me, honestly, I was a bit nervous in my role as Usher, however the encouraging words and smiles from folks helped me to be more relaxed and enabled me to let things flow. It’s really incredible to realize how familiar the service was, and at the same time we saw new aspects of it which worked very well. It was amazing to see how every person’s role in the service went very successfully.  I just want to express my gratitude for everyone at the service, from those who served to those who attended the service. It couldn’t have been done without everyone.

Being in this space also brought to my mind our friends at St. Paul’s who have passed over this past year, they are truly missed. I feel very blessed to know and have known my St. Paul’s friends, and my life is much fuller because of them.

Being of service is a good way for me to give back to a church community that has given so much to me.

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