Stewardship Gatherings

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As we enter the  last two weeks of our Stewardship Campaign, the Stewardship Committee wants to express its gratitude for the 66 pledges that have come in so far.  With another 79 pledges we can meet our target and prayerfully surpass it. Making the target means the Vestry & Finance Committee  can create a budget without a deficit that is not cut down to the bare essentials – your pledge means that the parish of St. Paul’s can continue to grow. 

You may ask ‘why the push for everyone to pledge – isn’t just dropping something in the plate enough? What makes it important for each member of our congregation to pledge something?’ Every gift is important and appreciated, and the advantage of a pledge is that it is a planned gift which allows the church leadership to budget more accurately based on what it anticipates receiving during the year. With everyone’s pledge included, the Vestry can budget, not only for the essentials but for everything beyond. The Vestry has heard the ideas from the community and in order to make those things happen, they need to include them in the planning – and this is where it starts. If you regularly give to St. Paul’s THANK YOU! Please consider just writing that number down as your pledge. You can always give less (or more!) as your situation changes. As we move into the final weeks of our campaign if you have not pledged, please prayerfully and joyfully do so as you are able. 

Prayer is one way of finding that we have than enough. But another practical way to help you with your decision is to go to one of our remaining Stewardship gatherings. These are more than just a place to have your questions about pledging answered. They are most importantly a place to come together with others in the community to share how St. Paul’s inspires gratitude and joy. Even if you have pledged, you should come join one of the remaining conversations.  You can sign up HERE or at the Stewardship table after coffee hour on Sunday at either mass. 

House gatherings:

Thursday,  November 9  6:30 pm At the home of Rosemary Dellinger

    Co-Hosts – Audrey Cozzarin and Bethany Gugliemino

Church gatherings: 

Wednesday,  November 15 12:15 pm In the Guild Room St. Paul’s  with a light lunch 

Co-Hosts Tom Schierloh and  Gail Bindley-Taylor

Saturday, November 18  6.30 pm in the Guild Room atSt. Paul’s 

Co-Hosts –  Audrey Cozzarin and Penney Kimball  

Zoom meetings: 

Thursday,  November 16  6:30 pm – led by Charlene Higbe and Lindsay Kennedy

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