What is “More Than Enough?”

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This year our theme is “More Than Enough” and you may well say “More than Enough” of what? Well, this year’s theme is rooted in the story of Jesus and the five loaves and fishes.
Remember when the disciples questioned whether there was enough to feed the crowd of 5,000 as all they had from a young boy was five loaves of bread and two small fish? But Jesus’ response was to take the gift that there was, thank God for it, and use it to feed the 5,000 people gathered with leftovers to spare. How was he able to do that? Because he believed in God’s abundance and was able to demonstrate to his disciples what a little faith could do. The Vestry and Stewardship Committee are asking you this year to step out in faith with us on this Stewardship journey so that working and pledging together, and believing that we have enough, we too can fund the mission and ministry of the community of St. Paul’s.
This year’s pledge conversations will take place during small group or ‘cottage meetings’ in parishioners’ homes (as well as at St. Paul’s and via Zoom), several Tuesday evenings in October and November. We are looking for folks that will open their hearts and their homes and offer to host one of 7 possible cottage meetings. If you do not have the space to host a dinner in your home, consider helping with one of the dinners that will be held at the church. We need stewards to step forward and help make our Stewardship 2024 effort a success. Please take some time to consider how you would like to help, and then sign up to attend or host a cottage meeting today by emailing bindleytaylor@stpaulsnorwalk or admin@stpaulsnorwalk.org.

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