Black History Month

February marks Black History Month, a federally recognized, nationwide celebration that calls on all Americans to reflect on the significant roles that African Americans have played in shaping US history. But how did this celebration come to be – and why does it happen in February? Click this LINK to meet the man behind the holiday, Carter G. Woodson, “The Father of Black History”.

This year during Black History Month, consider immersing yourself in different experiences and leave yourself open to listening with intention to see where change can happen for you. The Justice Ministry at St. Paul’s is planning several opportunities in February. They will also be sharing events from around the area, so check back often for new events as they arise.

Happening this month:

Happening around the Diocese:

RACIAL HEALING, JUSTICE, AND RECONCILIATION NETWORK GATHERING: THE WITNESS STONES PROJECT – SATURDAY, MARCH 9 on ZOOM The Witness Stones Project is designed to raise awareness about the history of slavery and its impact on individuals and families in our communities by commemorating and remembering the lives of enslaved individuals who were associated with our parishes. 

SAVE THE DATE: DEBBIE IRVING, AUTHOR OF WAKING UP WHITE – SATURDAY, APRIL 20 FROM 9:00 – 1:00 AT AME ZION CHURCH Debbie Irving is a widely recognized racial justice educator known for sharing her journey of discovery about the reality of systemic racism in America. This event will be held at the AME Zion Church in Middletown. 


Addressing racism and dismantling white privilege

6 Tips for White People Who Want to Celebrate Black History